

This page is information for Japanese The Sims 2 community.
More detailed contents are at Mod The Sims 2,
so we haven't English mirror page. Sorry.


This content requires Expansion Pack data that is not installed - error

I don't know why this happens, but it has been known to happen when installing lots and Sims and you get a strange message that you need certain expansion pack data to be installed before you can install the .sims2pack file. A screenshot of the error can be found below.

It's almost like the contents within that lot or Sim confuses the Maxis installer and makes it think you don't have the expansion pack installed.
The only workaround is to use Clean Installer or Multi-Sims2Pack Installer.

Use Clean Installer if you're going to install lots. Lots come with a "lot catalog" file and it's necessary during the lot install. Install to the Teleport directory (per the Clean Installer instructions) and then start the game and the lot will show up in the lot bin.
区画をインストールしようとする場合はクリーンインストーラを使ってください。区画のsims2packを「ロットカタログ(My Documents/EA Games/TheSims2/LotCatalog)」フォルダに入れて、クリーンインストーラの機能のTeleport directory(直接移動させる)を使ってインストールし、その後ゲームをスタートさせると区画のカタログに追加されているでしょう。

Use Multi-Sims2Pack Installer if you're going to install Sims. Extract all your files into the SavedSims or Downloads folder directly. Do not put them in a subfolder. Body Shop items can not be in subfolders.
シム(フルシム)をインストールする時はマルチsims2packインストーラを使って下さい。インストール先はSavedSimsもしくはDownloadsフォルダ、サブフォルダの中に入れないで直下で入れて下さい。なぜならBody Shopのアイテムはサブフォルダにいれると使えないからです。
inserted by FC2 system